Conference paper

The paper iMorphia: a projective performance system was presented at the Fascinate conference, Falmouth, August 2014.

Motivation for paper
To produce and deliver a paper that would succinctly summarise the research directions, background and development of iMorphia, a prototype performance system. The paper was accompanied by a workshop enabling delegates to experience and give feedback on the iMorphia system.

Reception of paper and workshop
The presentation of the paper and the workshop were well received, delegates engaged with key concepts and gave useful and informative feedback on the effectiveness of the iMorphia system during the workshop.

Role of paper within PhD
Producing the paper clarified the emergent research issues generated through practice and informed subsequent research. The production of the paper led to the development of a paper being submitted to Creativity and Cognition 2015.

The delivery of the workshop at a venue outside of the university led to the production of a mobile and portable demonstration version of iMorphia, enabling the successful demonstration of iMorphia at the National Videogame Centre, Nottingham, April 2015 and at the Digital Research in Humanities and Arts conference, DRHA 2015, Dublin, September 2015.

Performative Interaction and Embodiment on an Augmented Stage